TICK THE BOX - UHRA Membership
Dear Licensee,
Trainers , Drivers and Stablehands number over 1500 individual participants in Harness racing in NSW and the UHRA is fully accredited with HRNSW to represent this group of Industry Participants.
During the past 12 months the following items have been included on our Agenda:
Trainer Remuneration - ongoing
Prizemoney Increases - ongoing
HRNSW Sulky Fund – Cover increased and Premium Reduced - done
12 Starters Policy – reduced to 10 starters – done
Trainer Compensation for Abandoned Meetings – done
Altrenogest (reg u mate) – ongoing
Penalties imposed on Licensees – ongoing
Rehoming of retired horses – ongoing
Improved Welfare for injured Participants
We have robustly represented Participants on these issues and many more , through HRICG avenue and through HRNSW and have documented progress and results in the NEWS section on our Website www.uhransw.com.au which also includes Facebook and Twitter.
Whilst we try to work with HRICG through current COVID - 19 monetary issues , as an immediate ‘Trainerseeker’ incentive we have asked HRNSW to use surplus Funds in Sulky Fund ($400k plus) to offset some of the cost of Trainers 20/21 License Fees.
We have worked tirelessly to seek a better lot for Trainers who currently only receive 7.5% commission on 1st to 5th placegetters and an appalling 5% on our Showcase Series Breeders Challenge. It is most disappointing that our representations on Trainer viability have not been supported by other Participant Organisations. We are confident HRNSW will address this issue once COVID eases.
A recent HRNSW sponsored Regions Handicapping/Prizemoney Distribution Meeting highlighted that if you get 20 persons throughout the State in one Forum you will probably get 20 differing views on any particular subject. In saying that , although we have contacts for views in all Regions we would like to see Licensees from these Regions stand for UHRA Committee positions at our Annual General Meeting.
We don’t wish to encroach on Local or Regional Associations but we need a United voice with Licensee numbers to make us an effective force. We meet with HRNSW every month , 6 x HRICG and 6 x stand alone UHRA Meetings therefore State wide input is imperative.
Your $10 Subscription and Membership includes:
Industry News on UHRA Website
Representation on HRICG (Industry Consultative Group)
Representation at bi-monthly Meetings with HRNSW
Support with legitimate Appeals and complaints
Working in best interests of Trainers Drivers and Stablehands re conditions and remuneration
Addressing Rule and Regulatory abnormalities / improvements
Please show your support for your Industry , the more Members the stronger our united voice. Our continuing aim is to make UHRA the largest Participant Association in Australia.
Please TICK THE BOX with your 2020/1 License Renewal and include your email address.
Jim Douglass Gavin Fitzpatrick Wally Mann
President Vice President Secretary