Trainers , Drivers and Stable Hands number some 1500 individual Participants in Harness Racing in NSW and the UHRA is fully accredited with HRNSW to represent this group of Industry Participants.
During the past 18 months the following has been achieved through the representations and recommendations from HRICG (of which UHRA are an integral Member) to and with the co-operation of HRNSW.
- Trainer Remuneration – increased from 7.5% to 10%
- Prizemoney Increases – increases to the tune of 33% for non-metropolitan races as well as increased metropolitan prizemoney.
- HRNSW Sulky Fund – Increased cover and reduced Premium achieved.
- HRNSW Sulky Fund – Trial coverage about to commence.
- Breeding and Breeders Challenge enhancements.
It would be remiss not to mention the efforts of HRICG Members who and without any fanfare , robustly represent all Industry issues in a Forum we have previously referred to as “no place for the faint hearted”.
We will not dodge ‘the hard issues’. Please follow our updates on www.uhransw.com.au and our Newsletters , Blogs , Facebook and Twitter.
Like most Kindred Associations we have had resources issues however we are pleased to advise we now have some much needed assistance and you will see increased Newsletters and Social Media activity.
We also acknowledge the difficulty in maintaining Regional Kindred Associations and the difficulty Associations such as ours have had in personally contacting you, especially during COVID therefore with our increased resources we encourage you to contact us with your issues, we are here to represent you.
DRIVERS – your Driving Fees were initiated by UHRA some years ago and as advised have increased substantially in recent times.
TRAINERS – your Commission has increased to 10% and Prizemoney has increased which gives you the opportunity to review your Training Fees.
LICENSED Stable Hands - you are an integral part of our Membership.
We have never been a self promotion organisation however we have and will continue to seek appropriate financial remuneration for Licensees and better Welfare coverage. There are of course ongoing issues under discussion for Licensees and other Participants.
Your $10 Subscription (individual or family) and Membership includes:
- Industry and UHRA News on UHRA Website, Facebook and Twitter
- Representation on HRICG (Industry Consultation Group)
- Representation at Meetings with HRNSW
- Support with legitimate Appeals and complaints
- Working in best interests of Licensees re conditions and remuneration
With our enhanced resources we are contacting as many Licensees as possible with a view to making UHRA the largest Kindred Association in Australian Harness Racing – STRENGTH IS IN NUMBERS.
If you TICKED THE BOX with your 2022 Licence Renewal please do not complete attached Renewal.
If you are not a Member or have not renewed please complete attached Renewal which will cover balance 2022 and 2023 Seasons or contact any of the below UHRA Committee regarding your Membership status.
Please note UHRA Membership is open to ALL Industry Participants.
The next UHRA Annual General Meeting will be in January 2023 and Committee Positions will be put to the Membership.
Jim Douglass - President
Gavin Fitzpatrick - Vice-President
Leon Jurd - Hon. Treasurer
Wally Mann, Secretary
Committee: Bernie Hewitt
Glenn McElhinney
Dennis Wilson
Cameron Hart