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UHRA Blog 5/18

We apologise for no Blog last week due ‘Blogger’ away from Office.

HRA Whip Rules

After a forgettable and costly 18 months since Whip Free Racing was announced without consultation, it appears some genuine ground was made at HRA Executive Meeting in Brisbane this week. We had initially thought this matter would have been resolved last year after the HRNSW sponsored Forum comprising all States at Menangle in July only for a National Stewards Conference to come up with a left field ‘forty five degree no brainer’ which was rejected by UHRA and subsequently by National Trainers and Drivers Assn (which comprises all States Horsemen’s Associations). We now await official notification from HRA.

NB. We can say here that HRNSW did listen to us on this matter which may not have been the case elsewhere.

HRNSW $2.8 Million Funding Injection – Industry comment

A HRICG Meeting was held 14th March and this topic was discussed at length. UHRA and other Members will forward their feedback to HRICG Chairman and this will be the basis of discussion at April HRICG/HRNSW Meeting. We thank those Participants who took the time to express their views to UHRA.

Penalty Guidelines Review Forum

The next Meeting is scheduled for April between HRNSW, HRICG and UHRA. To be frank not a lot has happened at first two Meetings however recent Tribunal decisions and current Substance cases together with Interference Penalties should ensure a lively April Meeting.

Provincial Handicapping Proposal

With a new Metro Handicapping System operating , a follow up Provincial Handicapping Proposal has been circulated to HRNSW , HRICG , NSWHRC , Harness Clubs Committee for comment. We will watch developments closely.

UHRA and HRNSW Bi-Monthly Meeting

Will take place early April and COD items include : OH&S and Welfare, Sulky Fund Monetary position (with a view to enhancements) and several items which were raised by Members at UHRA AGM in January including 10 horse fields.

If you have any constructive comments to make on any subject please contact UHRA at . Your correspondence will be received on a Strictly Confidential basis.

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